Amalur Wiki

Diseases are a type of effect in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning.


Diseases are negative effects that can be inflicted by traps and certain varieties of monsters. They often focus on penalizing a defense, skill, or damage type. Diseases do not cause damage over time.

Curing Diseases

The player can cure a disease by visiting a healer or drinking a Purification Potion. Purification Potion can be purchased or crafted through Alchemy.

List of Known Diseases

Disease: Effect(s):
Binder's Lesions
  • -15% Armor
Blood Plague
  • -30% Damage Resistance
Laz's Kiss
  • -100% Bleeding Resistance
Sewer Rot
  • -5 Health Regen per sec
Toxic Slurry
  • -50% Bleeding Resistance
  • -50% Poison Resistance

See Also
