Amalur Wiki


I gave my captain backtalk once, just once, and what do I get? Three months' guard duty, day and night.


Anwyr Hedef is a Dokkalfar soldier that stands watch over the fortress of Dolve Arne.


He can be found at the entrance of Dolve Arne, in the Tywili Coast.



This here's Dolve Arne. You an officer? Got an officer's pass? No pass, no entry.

upon your first encounter with him.

This here's our base, barracks, and storehouse west of the Phorian Strait. It played a bigger role back when the war raged where you and I stand now. But that was near on ten years back.

when asked about Dolve Arne.

It's a privilege to wear the steel helm. All who do should be proud.

when asked about the Alfar Army.

That's right, officers only. If you've got a pass, show it here.

when asked: I need a pass to get in?

A hard night drinking in Rathir, was that it? Woke up with less in your pockets than you used to have? If I had a gold piece every time... We see that, especially from your sort, just back from the front. Well, have this pass we keep for visiting dignitaries. And try not to drink to much.

if chosen the response: "I lost my pass" (succeeding in persuasion attempt).
